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On the ground - Week 6

Final preparations for the training sessions underway! The study team lead the consenting (using written consents approved by the Mbarara University of Science and Technology IRB Board for the OMUYAMBI study) of traditional healers. I accompanied the team on some of the days; when in-office study activities were minimal. In total, we consented 41 traditional healers; 20 in the control arm and 21 in the intervention arm. These traditional healers were then invited to the training sessions held the following week (week 7). Below is a photo of us in the field; with the participant not in the photo frame for privacy and confidentiality purposes.

Additionally, below are some photos depicting an example of a herbalist's practice in Mbarara district, Uganda.

The 3-days training program was finalized, health professionals leading the training sessions were invited, introductory letters to the 5 clinic in charges were prepared and delivered, and training materials were purchased. I, personally, helped in making and preparing the training factsheets and certificates.

Below is the training certificate that the traditional healers in the intervention arm received at the end of the 3-day training session.

Below is the training certificate that the traditional healers in the control arm received at the end of the 1-day training session.

Overall, the entire study team is looking forward to the OMUYAMBI Training sessions that will be delivered to the traditional healers; as that is the last milestone before data collection begins (after receiving final approval from the MUST IRB regarding the amendment).

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